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Using the 6up Method With crossfit


Crossfit, being a sport challenging different types of fitness, can be hard to program for. Systemic fatigue i

Being an auto regulation based program, the 6up method can take into account different levels of fatigue and continue to drive progress in lifters week to week. The trouble with implementing this method into Crossfit is doing so in a way that allows the athlete to continue to train other skills. Below is an outline of how I may go about using my 6up method into a traditional Crossfit gym schedule. It is a twice a week program based around the squat, bench, dead, and overhead press. It rotates hard and “easy” weeks for the 4 lifts. It is designed to be included with conditioning days and olympic lifting days. It may have to be modified for yourself or your lifters. The accessory exercises are an example of how they could be laid out and are not set in stone.

Week 1

Day 1

Squat-6up method

Over head press- 3x5@70% predicted 1RM

Vertical pulling movement 3x10-12

Upper back movement 3x12-15

Tricep movement 3x12-15

Glute movement 3x10-12

Day 2

Bench-6up method

Deadlift-5x3@70 predicted 1RM

Single leg squat-3x1015

Upper back movement 3x12-15

Horizontal pulling movement 3x10-12

Core-3 sets

Week 2

Day 1

Squat 3x5@70% predicted 1RM

Over head press- 6up method

Vertical pulling movement 3x10-12

Upper back movement 3x12-15

Tricep movement 3x12-15

Hamstring movement 3x10-12

Day 2

Deadlift- 6up method

Bench-3x5@70% predicted 1RM

Single leg hip hinge-3x1015

Upper back movement 3x12-15

Horizontal pulling movement 3x10-12

Core-3 sets

This is a super simple set up that can easily be performed in under an hour and can easily be incorporated in a weekly training schedule, and will work well for group or class settings. If you have any questions please contact me so I can clarify. Stay Strong!


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